jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

perdida en la desgana

I´m really sorry for not writting here....for so long, but we were passing difficult times.

Now nothing is new and the "cotidianeidad" is devouring our lifes.

But from th 13 to the 20 of April i went to Poland.... and you know already wat happened but i need to write it down:

-The plane crush with lots of polish important people (the pesident and the first lady also).
-the FUCKING volcano.
So the "holidays" were AMAZING.

Poland was living a mouring fr one week, ad then they cancelled our flight to get back to Finland, so we needed to cross half Europe by bus/ferry. AMAZING. We went back this way:

- Warsaw - Kaunas (by bus 8h)
- Kaunas - Riga (by bus 4h)
- Riga - Tallinn (by bus 4h)
- Tallin - Helsinki (by ferry 2.5h)
- Helsinki - Porvoo (by bus 1h)

But we enjoyed it and finally we went back home safe! :D
Here the photos:
In Turku we took the plane to Warsaw with Wizzair.
The Terminal 2 was also "AMAZING" and they gave us a HANDMADE boarding card. xD
Finally in Warsaw... :D
The AMAZING note in the Oki Doki hostel...
And this was REAL LIFE?
People queuing for 10 hours to see the coffing of the president...
The building, a gift of the soviets to warsaw...ther is another one in Ltvia, and another one in Russia... OH, and Thomas and me! :D
Guetto wall...brrrrrrrrrr....Have you seen The Pianist?
Born place of Marie Curie. :D
New born in Lithuania...

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